Mikie aka Dragon Whelp Creations


Without Mikie, Monika would not have survived.

hexagonal glass mosaic
Proud papa $400
Whose Galaxy? $75
Mystic Tree, 16 x 20, $75
Dragon’s Colorful Flight, $50
Dragon Mirage, $20
Forget me Not, $20
  1. Proud Papa Baby Dragon with Papa’s Protection, Hexagonal glass mosaic, $400 : This piece is made with mostly glass I found on the beach—except the blue. Other than washing in a sand and water base to smooth the edges, I did not alter the glass. This is dedicated to a dear friend who during a time of turmoil took me under his wing to protect me. And yes, the baby dragon is me.”
  2. Whose Galaxy? Pain n canvas, 3 panels, totaling 36 x 36. $75
  3. Mystic Tree, poured paint on canvas, 16 x 20, $75
  4. Dragon’s Colorful Flight, 20 x 16, $50
  5. Dragon Mirage, 12 x 12, $20
  6. Forget Me Not, 16 x 12, $20