POWER Youth Drop-in Center
Located at 2601 Arctic Avenue in midtown Anchorage, our youth drop-in center and clinic is run by teens for teens with supportive professional adult staff when necessary. Together we create a safe space where youth can hangout with their peers in a relaxed environment, gain access to resources and education, and learn about safer options when needed. No one makes judgments – the only goal is to provide help and support.
There’s no pressure in the teen center, you can just hang out and chill.Power Center participant
Are you between the ages of 13 and 23 years old?
Our drop-in center provides a safe space to hang out, play Xbox, watch movies, grab a snack, grab clothing from our clothing closet, grab some take home food from our food pantry, or just talk to someone who is ready to listen.
Questions or feeling shy? You can always call us: (907) 929-2633
Power Center Hours:
Monday – Friday
11 am – 5 pm
During open hours, the POWER Center regularly hosts groups and activities. The schedule may vary slightly.
- Mondays at 2:30 – this time slot is reserved for groups to address clinical needs that come up with our youth participants. Some recurring topics include healthy relationships, sleep hygiene, and self esteem.
- Tuesdays at 2 pm – Baking Group
- Wednesdays at 2:30 pm – Art Activity
- Thursdays at 2:30 – Game Day! Board games and card games led by our peer staff
- Fridays at 2pm – Cooking Group
FREE Drop-in Center Services (ages 13-23)
- Sack lunches or a kitchen to make (and learn how to make) meals
- Snacks
- Drinks
- Hygiene Items
- Clothing Closet
- Food Pantry
- X-Box & Wii
- Board games
- Art activities
- Movies
- Computers with internet access
- Access to condoms
- Case Management services
- Mental Health services
- Peer support
Every week we have community partners such as Nine Star, Anchorage Job Center, 4as, Anchorage School District, and South Central Foundation come into the drop-in center to help with getting center participants signed up for services. We try our best to connect our participants with needed and requested services throughout the community. All services are on a volunteer and as requested basis.
If I didn’t come here, I’d still be on the sreets.Power Center participant
What Teens say:
“It’s a place to chill and kick back.”
“It’s a fun and comfortable environment.”
“There is music, testing, and free food in a friendly environment. There’s no pressure to be in the teen clinic, you can just hang out and chill.”
“Well I’ve been coming here since I was a teenager and watched this place grow. It’s cool to see teens learning new facts and being aware. If you need someone to talk to come to the teen clinic.”
Street Outreach
We are teens helping teens where they are – on the streets. Peer Outreach Workers (POWs) act as a walking referral, approaching youth at various locations where teens tend to gather, sharing lifesaving resources and information. Through education and providing multiple options, teens are empowered to make healthy choices and access a variety of community agencies designed to assist.
We are on the street 2-3 days a week passing out hygiene items, condoms, food, and seasonal items such as bug spray, sunscreen, hats, gloves, hand warmers, etc. If you see us with our backpacks, come get the items you need!
Outreach happens at malls, transit centers and recreation centers, schools and various community events. Do you have an idea where teens may be hanging out? Email us: pow@akyouthadvocates.org.
National Runaway Safeline – 1800RUNAWAY.org
NRS is the national communications system for runaway, homeless and at-risk youth, serving the United States and its territories. They are a 24-hour facility that is available to youth and parents that are in crisis due to family dynamics, abuse, neglect, economics, and other challenges.
Peer Education Program
As Peer Outreach Workers, we come to our positions with life experiences. Once we’re hired, we go through a lot of training. After our training is done we do our best to facilitate presentations for you. Topics vary and are facilitated as requested. You say what you want to learn about and we’ll gather resources and knowledge to put it together. So far we’ve done presentations on the following:
- Addictions
- Balancing Education and Employment
- Birth Control
- Building Healthy Relationships
- Bullying
- Communication
- Domestic Violence
- Harm Reduction
- Human Trafficking
- Homelessness and Youth in Anchorage
- Identity
- Job Skills
- Marijuana
- Positive Youth Development
- Self-Esteem
- Sexual Assault
- STIs
- Stress
- Suicide Prevention and Awareness
Peer led presentations are held weekly at our drop in center at 2601 Arctic Boulevard in Anchorage. Our trainings are open to youth and young adults between the ages 13-23. There will be full meals, beverages and door prizes!! Follow us on Facebook @PowerCenteratAlaskaBehavioralHealth to learn about upcoming presentations.
Do you have a question about any of these topics?
Come in and talk with us – or you can call us at (907) 929-2633!
If you would like to have our trained Peer Outreach Workers come and present a topic to your group, agency, program, event etc. please do not hesitate to contact us at 907-929-2633.