Resources for Youth

At the POWER Center at Alaska Behavioral Health, we develop resources independently and in partnership to share with the community. We also list some of the most valuable partner resources to result in greater capacity and strength to help young people. No single organization can do this alone.

Youth Resource Guide

In May 2020, our transition age youth staff developed this comprehensive resource guide for Anchorage youth.  We can’t guarantee it will always be up to date, please feel free to let us know about needed changes.  Our Peer Outreach Workers at the POWER Center are available to help youth access resources during open hours or by phone at 907-929-2633.

Opportunities for Youth

Que Pasa Anchorage

Follow Que Pasa? Anchorage on Facebook to find events and opportunities for teens in Anchorage! 


Emancipation Handbook
Emancipation is considered a freeing of minors from certain legal restrictions that are imposed because they have not yet reached the age of majority (18 years old). In other words, when a youth under the age of 18 is legally emancipated, they acquire the same civil (non-criminal) status as an adult. If you are interested in the steps to take to become emancipated, please download our emancipation handbook and contact us.

Emancipation-Handbook 2020

Youth Law Guide
Have a legal question but don’t know who to ask? The Alaska Youth Law Guide is a resource to help young Alaskans understand the law and how it may affect them. You can find general information about many of the legal issues teens and young adults are likely to encounter, and some resources for getting more information or assistance.


This is a HIV Basics interactive training. Take the training and let us know what was new to you. Want to know more about HIV or how to get involved? Contact us today.
iknowmine provides truthful and accurate information that youth can trust in order for them to be in control of their own health and to live healthy lives. There is great information on topics such as STDs, pregnancy, nutrition, and much more. You can also order condoms and testing kits online!

Additional Resources

National Runaway Safeline – 1-800-RUN-AWAY

NRS is the national communications system for runaway, homeless and at-risk youth, serving the United States and its territories. They are a 24-hour facility that is available to youth and parents that are in crisis due to family dynamics, abuse, neglect, economics, and other challenges.

Suicide Prevention Hotline – 1-800-273-8255

The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

Emergency Services – 1-907-563-3200

Emergency Psychiatric treatment services are provided through our partnership with Providence Alaska Medical Center in the Providence Psychiatric Emergency Department. The Providence Psychiatric Emergency Department includes mobile emergency services, 24 Hour Crisis Hotline, psychiatric assessment, 23 hour observation beds and referral to community mental health services, substance abuse services or Alaska Psychiatric Institute depending upon the needs of the consumer.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychiatric emergency call the at 24 Hour Crisis Hotline (907) 563-3200.