
ACMHS Coronavirus Update 3/18/20

As behavioral health care providers, Anchorage and Fairbanks Community Mental Health Services are committed to continuing to serve our clients and communities during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Clinics Are Open

Our clinics remain open for scheduled appointments, and we do have appointments available for those needing support. Telephone and telehealth appointments are available immediately on a limited basis, and will be more widely available beginning Monday, March 23. Please call 907-563-1000 in Anchorage or 907-371-1300 in Fairbanks to schedule an appointment.

We ask any clients experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath or other illness NOT to come to our clinics.  Please call to re-schedule your appointment or to arrange telehealth services. Current clients who need help accessing medical care may call their case manager. Alaska 2-1-1 is available to help others access medical care and other resources.

We have implemented extra cleaning procedures at all of our facilities and have hand sanitizer and hand-washing sinks available for clients.

Group services are being handled on a case by case basis, depending on clinical need and risk factors. Participants in any group activities will be screened for symptoms and fever prior to participation, and group size will be limited to fewer than 10 people, including clinical staff.

Little Tykes Therapeutic Day Program

Little Tykes will continue operations. Little Tykes serves children in small cohorts and provides services that are even more critical in helping families maintain stability during stressful times.  Little Tykes will continue to screen children for fever and any symptoms before they join daily activities and will increase their sanitation schedule.

The Power Center

The Power Center drop-in program at 704 W. 26th Avenue will continue to be open Monday-Thursday, 1 -5 pm for youth ages 13-23. The Center provides food and other critical resources for at-risk youth in Anchorage.

Alaska Seeds of Change

Alaska Seeds of Change has suspended group and individual volunteer activities at least through March 30th. Our core staff will continue to keep our greenhouse running during this time, taking extra precautions with sanitization.


The Power Center is running short of food supplies. We expect there to be greater community need for food and other items as we feel the economic impact of shutdowns.   We are accepting donations of packaged shelf-stable food items at the Power Center, 704 W. 26th Avenue, Monday-Thursday 1-5 pm.  There is a bin available outside to drop off donations while maintaining social distance.

Any ACMHS reception desk can also accept donations during normal office hours. (Locations are at 4020 Folker Street, 4045 Lake Otis Parkway, 1432 Ingra Street.)